




Design and implementation of springboot novel website system


In the era of big data, data is growing explosively. In order to meet the trend of the information age and the requirements of information security, using the Internet to serve other industries and promote production has become an irresistible trend. Under the requirements of online novels, develop a novel website with an integral structure to split the complex system, which can realize the rapid response to the change of demand, the guarantee of system stability, and the requirements of sustainable and large-scale development of the platform.

The novel website studied in this paper improves the corresponding software erection and program coding, takes MySQL as the main storage unit of background data, and uses springboot framework, JSP technology and Ajax technology to code and develop the business system, so as to realize the whole function of the system. At the same time, complete the basic functions of the novel website: novel browsing, novel information, novel classification, novel center, etc.

Key words:Novel website; Integral structure; Mysql database



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