




Design and Implementation of Blog BBS System


In the information society, targeted ways of obtaining information are needed, but the expansion of ways is basically the direction of people's efforts. Due to the deviation of the perspective, people can often obtain different types of information, which is also the most difficult topic for technology to overcome. In view of the Blog BBS system and other problems, the Blog BBS system is studied and analyzed, and then the Blog BBS system is developed and designed to solve the problems.

Blog, BBS system main function modules including communicating BBS, blog browsing, add comments, messages, post collection, announcement, development to face up to the object model for software development and hardware construction, can well meet the needs of actual use, improve the set up and the corresponding software program coding work, take the MySQL as the main storage unit of the background data, using JavaEE framework, JSP technology, Ajax technology to coding and the development of the business system, realize the whole function of this system. In this report, firstly, the background, function and significance of the research are analyzed, which lays a foundation for the rationality of the research work. This paper analyzes the requirements and technical problems of Blog BBS system, proves the necessity and technical feasibility of the system, and then introduces the technical software and design ideas needed to design the system, and finally realizes the Blog BBS system and deploys and runs it.

Key words:Blog BBS; JavaEE framework; The MySQL database

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