官网怎么推广_东莞常平镇_app设计思路案例_无锡seo推广公司 Abstract

In the context of the current information society, the development of music recommendation system has become the key to meet the personalized needs of users. This paper aims to research and develop a music recommendation applet based on the needs of the information society. By analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the existing music mini program platform, combined with user needs and technology development trends, a music recommendation mini program with personalized recommendation, convenient operation and good social interaction functions is designed and implemented.

This paper first carries out the feasibility analysis and demand analysis, and then designs the system architecture, system database, and the detailed design of each functional module. The object-oriented software development method is adopted, and the Spring Boot framework, Ajax technology and Java programming language are selected for coding and implementation. Finally, the system is tested.

After testing, the music recommendation applet runs stably, not only realizes the user management, music song management, music information, music recommendation, leaderboard management, music forum management and other functions, meets the user's personalized music needs, but also provides a new interactive platform for music lovers, which can meet the user's music needs. It provides new impetus for the development of digital music industry.

Key words: Software database  Music recommendation applet  Spring Boot Framework






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